Hello, my name is Ola Belin.
I work at the world’s best creative production agency: Turbin, in Stockholm Sweden.
When I’m not, I do some photo retouching, illustrations, video editing, animation, websites, promotion, photography, children’s books, apps, and put out fires—both the metaphorical kind and the literal.
I would like to have more time.
This is a story about what it can feel like to be small and lost in a world that’s usually very mundane. How it suddenly can feel alien, strange and maybe a bit scary.
This book was published in the spring of 2020 and marks our fifth kids book.
The book is published by Speja Förlag and is available at all the big stores and online.
Grab it, it’s awesome.
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Rut flyttar ut
This is a book for kids between 3-6 and thereabouts. I’ve done the illustrations with input from Evalotta Belin, who’s done most of the texting with input from me.
Rut is a somewhat headstrong youth. She’s almost always happy, and when she gets mad – anything can happen. Anything.
Published on Speja Förlag 2019.
Get it in any book store, in Sweden, that is, or online where books are sold.
Edit: It’s now also available in Denmark!
The book has been release in danish by the publishing company ABC Forlag under the name Ruth Flytter Ud. And we’re so super happy that more kids and adults get to spend some time with our headstrong Rut.
Tända Lampan
In January 2018 I released my third children’s book together with my wife Evalotta.
It’s a moderately interactive book called “Tända Lampan” where the protagonist needs help from the reader to turn the lights on during an otherwise dark journey.
The book is published by Speja Förlag and is available at all the big stores and online.
Would you like to know more?

This is an online store I started a couple of years ago. The focus for the store is things that are kind to nature and humans alike.
We love design, quality and the environment.
Please come on in and have a look at ekofabriken.se
Titta Väder & Titta Maten
Together with Evalotta Belin I’ve published two children’s books called Titta Väder and Titta Maten. They consists of crochet things photographed and in the case of Titta Maten, combined with illustrated animals.
The books are published at the awesome Vombat Förlag.
Brush My Teeth & Borsta Tänderna
Brush My Teeth and the Swedish version Borsta Tänderna is an app for iPad / iPhone and Android devices i created to get my son to like brushing his teeth. At two years old this wasn’t one of his favourite things to do, and I thought there oughta be an app that makes it less of an hussle.
After I created it, it seems kinda stupid not to release it for other parents to use. The app has now been downloaded more than 13 000 times.
Brush My Teeth and Borsta Tänderna is available in app stores, all around.

Check it out!
Barnens Underjordiska Scen (B.U.S.)
For and together with BUS I’ve had the privilege to play around with video art. This example is a motion activated screen that communicates with passersby and changes its behaviour according to what the reactions are.
Titta Köket
Is an iPad and Android game I created together with Evalotta Belin on a vacation when the weather was bad.
We wanted to have an app for our son, that was more Astrid Lindgren than Cartoon Networks, which were what we could find at the app stores at that time.
The app is free for download and is intended for the smallest kids.
Titta Köket has been downloaded more than 11 000 times, in Sweden only.
Cats & Bears
I was contracted to do a couple of pictures for a London-based art gallery on an animal theme. It resulted in a bunch of half apathetic bears, cats and a climby fox in mundane settings.
Slice of Hand
Was an early try at creating apps for hand held devices. It’s a hack-the-knife-between-the-fingers kind of game, for people who doesn’t really like to stab their hands with knives IRL.
The game was released in 2010 and is free for download on AppStore and Google Play.
Hydroponic Creation
I got to work with my brother Anders Stålhand, in the creation of a hydroponic garden in Arbetets Museum in Norrköping. I also go to do the movie about the project, which qualifies it as a project in this list. Documentation is king.
Halloween installations
For a couple of years we did some cool video installations with interactive features for our store front window. Here are two examples. Exploding Zombie Kids and Scary Mirror, enjoy.

Talisman Coopative Mod
I created a modification for the board game Talisman which changes it into a cooperative game instead of a competitive.
It’s called ShadowMod and is available for download here.
Do you want to get in touch? Find me on these social media alternatives.